Photos mostly from travels around and life in Alaska and occasionally elsewhere.
The 'Top of the world' highway, near the US/Canadian border. West of Dawson, in the Yukon. Minolta XG-1, 35-135 lense. Taken during a spring bike trip a few years back.
Kelly holding my bike as I take this photo, just after riding through the spot in the image above.
Taken with a Canon S110, auto settings, no flash
As promised, another remote strip approach photo. Don't ask me why I have a hangup on 'em because I don't know. THis is coming into Lime Village. A different trip from the the preceeding photo. This was in a twin. (insert audible sigh of relief, here)
This is flying through Merrill Pass in a 207 on our way to Lime Village, which is approximately 200 miles west of Anchorage. Personally, I prefer flying the pass in a twin. There are several wreckages visible on the mountainsides, where some poor unfortunate got caught below a dropping ceiling and couldn't turn around and get out or climb out of it. But itis beautiful.
Below are a couple of scanned images of Bettles. These were taken with the Minolta XG-1. Also below is an image from Port Heiden, also called Meshik on some maps. More later today, hopefully.
The greater Bettles metro area.
Bettles. This has to arguably be one of the northernmost phone booths in the USA.
Port Heiden on the Alaska Penninsula. Hank's Hardware motto, "If we don't have it, you don't need it."
Sitka approach in a Cessna 207
St. Augustine Florida.
The two scanned images below were taken with my trusty old Minolta XG-1. These are old slides, Kodachrome 64 film, 35-135 lense with polarizing filter and scanned in with a Canon Canoscan-8400F scanner. For being a low priced flat-bed scanner, the Canoscan does a remarkablygood job, in my opinion.
The lower photo is of the Big Sur coast, the upper image is Frenchman Lake, about 50 miles norht of Reno and just across the state line, in California.
Another scanned slide image. Scanned with the Canon Canoscan8400F scanner.
An old Kodachrome 64 slide image scanned on a Canon Canoscan8400F. Taken with the Minolta XG-1. 35-135 lense & polarizing filter, settings unknown.
Yesterday was kind of a black & white day. So here are some photos to match the day.
Serenity Falls on a not so serene day.
Eklutna Lake on an overcast day.
Stopping to enjoy the view.
A view of Eklutna Lake from the headwaters.
Load'er up and let's go home.
Here comes our ride home. C-130's may be a noisy ride, but just take your earplugs. I'd ride one of these anywhere and feel a whole lot safer than many other types of planes I've been in.
The city of St. Paul.
St. Paul Island, the west side on a nice day.
Our 5-star accomodations, the King Eider Hotel. To its right, the only bar in town, the King Eider Bar! How conveeeenient.
Bering Sea crabbers off St. Paul in January.
St. Paul, Pribiloff Islands
No Rats!
St. Paul. Pribiloff Islands. Miles of beautiful black sand beaches and not a condo on the horizon.
The view up front is much better.
The first class cabin
"Passengers in coach, please refrain from using the restroom in the first class cabin. Thankyou."
C-130 looking back. "Please keep your seatbelts fastened, your tray tables up and your seatbacks in an upright position until the light goes off indicating that it's safe to move about the cabin."
Another shot of Anchorage from the top of a Ferris wheel. These were taken during the Fur Rondy in February with a Canon S500, hand held.
Here's a photo of Anchorage taken from the top of a Ferris wheel.
Alaska Range
Starke Florida
Southern gothic. Starke, Florida
Ok, one last Florida photo. This too was taken atthe Olustee Civil War Battlefield. Canon S500.
Another Florida photo. Taken last month at the Olustee Civil War Battlefield.
No, this was not taken in Alaska. This is Starke, Florida and was taken last month with Canon S500, hand held.
The fun part of this morning's bike ride, going home. Screaming downhill all the way. One of the beauties of the Canon S500's is that they are so compact that they can just fit in your shirt pocket.
The view from the top of the bike ride
Another shot from this mornings bike ride. The lighting was poor and it was handheld, in a shakey hand I might add, but I like it anyway.
Taken around 5:30 this morning while on a morning bike ride. Using a Canon S500, settings on auto and handheld.
Sunday evening back home. This is looking down our road from in front of our house.
Another photo from this evening's foray.
Sunday evening at Beluga Point. Got a call from a friend who had spotted a pod of belugas working their way into Turnagain Arm, so we went tot have a look. Didn't see them, but it was a nice evening and we had a good time.