Back home (and loving it). I and my coworker had the slam bang tour of NW Alaska the last few days. First up to Kotzebue on the Alaska Airlines jet. Then a scheduled flight to the village Selawik. Due to incoming crappy weather and the vagaries of bush travel, our connection back to Kotzebue never happened. Fortunately, a hunting party had a chartered a Caravan directly to Nome. They were pilots, so all of a sudden transportation became easy. They offered us a ride to Nome, so we took it since we were going there the next day anyway. Well the weather caught up with us in Nome. There were major storm warnings about a bad storm front stretching from St. Lawrence Island to Hooper Bay. Nonetheless, we made it out to the village of Elim, where we overnighted. The temperature was in the low forties, not bad. However, the rain coupled with the high winds that brought the rain in horizontally made for a somewhat nasty day. I couldn't take too many photos as we couldn't see too much. However, the area around Elim is beautiful and had the weather cooperated, would have been outstanding. This photo was taken in Elim, on our walk to the store to supplement our meager rations. Canon S500. I'll post more tomorrow.